Wellington Airport Control Tower Glass Restoration and Protection.

ClearShield Glass: Revitalizing and Protecting the Wellington Airport Control Tower

The Wellington Airport Control Tower, a vital hub for air traffic management in New Zealand managed by Airways, recently underwent a significant renovation and restoration project due to the adverse effects of the harsh environment it faces. Jet fuel spray and salt spray had caused staining and deterioration of the tower's windows, necessitating a solution that would revitalize and protect the glass surfaces. ClearShield Glass, an innovative glass restoration and protection company that not only restored the tower's windows to their former glory but also provided long-lasting protection against future damage. This article delves into the remarkable benefits and processes involved in the ClearShield glass restoration and protection project at the Wellington Airport Control Tower.

The Challenge of Harsh Environmental Factors:

The Wellington Airport Control Tower, situated in close proximity to the coast with runways and aircraft operations, is subjected to constant exposure to jet fuel spray and salt spray. These environmental factors can cause significant damage to the tower's windows over time, leading to staining, corrosion, and reduced visibility leading to health and safety concerns.

ClearShield, a cutting-edge glass restoration and protection system developed by Ritec International, emerged as the ideal solution for the Wellington Airport Control Tower. ClearShield utilizes a unique polymeric resin that bonds with the glass, forming a durable and invisible barrier. This barrier effectively protects the glass surface from the corrosive effects of jet fuel spray and salt spray, while also providing resistance to weathering, dirt, and contaminants.

The ClearShield process involves several stages to restore and protect the glass. First, the tower's windows underwent a thorough clean to remove water staining, dirt, and grime. Once the surfaces were cleaned, the ClearShield polymeric resin was applied to the glass, creating a permanent bond that resists adhesion of contaminants, resulting in a smooth, clear, and highly durable glass protection.

The application of ClearShield offered numerous benefits for the Wellington Airport Control Tower. Firstly, it restored the windows, eliminating the unsightly stains and improving visibility for air traffic controllers. The restored glass regained its original clarity, enhancing the aesthetics of the tower and providing a more pleasant working environment. Additionally, ClearShield provides long-lasting protection against the detrimental effects of jet fuel spray and salt spray. The durable resin barrier repels water and contaminants, reducing the frequency of cleaning and maintenance required for the tower's windows. This not only saves time and resources but also extends the lifespan of the glass, resulting in cost savings for the airport in the long run.

Furthermore, ClearShield's resistance to weathering helps to maintain the tower's windows in optimal condition, even in the face of harsh environmental conditions. The glass surfaces remain easier to clean, as dirt and grime are less likely to adhere to the protected glass.

The renovation and protection of the Wellington Airport Control Tower's windows using ClearShield glass restoration and protection has proven to be a wise investment. The ClearShield system successfully restored the stained glass to its original clarity while providing long-lasting protection against the corrosive effects of jet fuel spray and salt spray. Air traffic controllers now enjoy improved visibility and a more aesthetically pleasing working environment, while the airport benefits from reduced maintenance and cleaning requirements.

ClearShield has once again showcased its innovative technology, offering a sustainable solution for glass restoration and protection in challenging environments. By revitalizing and safeguarding the Wellington Airport Control Tower's windows, ClearShield has played a crucial role in preserving the functionality and appearance of this iconic structure, ensuring its continued operation.


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